Published Graduate

Ann Tuzi

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Today we are celebrating Ann Tuzi!

She is a graduate of our Writing for Children and Teens course.

Let’s learn more about her books Tica’s Tea Party.

What is the name of your books?

Tica’s Tea Party

Published by Tellwell

Give us a short summary of your work.

A colourful birthday party that puts smiles on children’s faces. Be Happy, let children be children. Think outside the box when things don’t go our way, and in turn be able to be free to dream. Be thankful for everything we have. Children must learn not to be greedy.

This book was written to entertain children in this crazy world. To enable my young  readers to feel a sense of security in this reading experience.

Tell us a bit about your path to publishing, from idea to submission to publication.

I published two books last year. The first is a poem book from poems I wrote as a teen and young adult to more mature poems in my seasoned adults years. I went through Amazon for  publishing after hiring my illustrator and editor on Fiverr and had my husband do the formatting.

How long have you been writing?

Only the stories that I did through your course.

What’s your favorite genre to write and why?

Children’s books. It transports me back to childhood.

Which ICL or IFW courses have you taken?

Writing for Children and Teens

How has taking our courses helped your writing and/or career?

The courses pushed me to see my story to fruition.

Have any of your class assignments been published?

So far just this one.

Do you have a favorite writing tip you’d like to share?

Never give up. Learn to have a thick skin.

If you could travel back in time and give yourself one piece of writing advice, what would it be?

Write a colourful children’s book.

What’s the most valuable thing you learned from your experience with the Institute of Children’s Literature?

Most valuable thing that I learnt that I did have it in me to write a children’s book.

As a storyteller, Ann Tuzi grew up in Toronto and has Fine Arts, Decorating and Fashion Merchandising diplomas all from Humber College, as well as a diploma from the Institute of Children’s Literature in Connecticut. Along with loving bright colours, she has a colourful personality. She has always loved the arts and has been involved with art all her life. Ann has always been a big kid at heart and to this day “Mickey Mouse” is her hero.

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