I’ve taken 2 courses with ICL and loved my instructors. They are very thorough, knowledgeable, and beyond helpful. The 2nd course was the novel writing one and I signed a contract for the book I was working on in the course while I was finishing up my last assignment. It was published last October. I highly recommend taking the course!!
–Carolyn Savage
ICL rocks! You will learn a lot.
–Cathy Lee Taylor
My instructor did a wonderful job of critiquing my work without making me feel bad. She seemed very knowledgeable and helpful. The ICL courses (I’ve taken two) are quite helpful, as long as the student is diligent in doing the homework. My teacher was very pleasant to work with and helped me understand how to write and market better.
–Judith M Vander Wege
The ICL course “Writing for Children” is a valuable introduction as well as a worthwhile refresher course of the core info a writer would need to enhance their career. The course materials are up-to-date and written in a straight-forward and humorous manner. The insights both from the course material and instructor will provide you that extra umph to keep plodding forward with your manuscripts through both good and challenging times you will be experiencing. I highly recommend it. I was a student many years ago under the tutelage of Dorothy Francis. I now have 18 books published, several award winners, and several with multiple starred reviews. My 19th book is with a publisher as I write. I now present at regional and national conferences and schools – about 90 days a year. The Institute was the springboard to a rewarding career.
–Brian J. Heinz
My fantasy novel for young adults, The Court Wizard, is now available on Amazon and barnesandnoble.com! In manuscript form, it was the winner of the inaugural 2012 Clare Vanderpool Work of Promise Scholarship, awarded by the Kansas chapter of the Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators.
–J.R. Sparlin
Just wanted to let you know that thanks to your help I am a published author! I wrote a children’s book entitled Calico Chicken. Thank you for the skills I received from your organization.
– Constance Nipper
Just received my diploma from the Writing for Children and Teens course. It’s so amazing. I’m so glad I finished. I started when I was 16 & then took a 10 yr. break. Last year I picked up where I left off and now I’m finished! It feels so good. Thx to this incredible program and my amazing instructor.
–Brenna Miller
Several things from the course were of extreme value: The basic know how of professional looking manuscripts and how to submit them. Also, learning to use all sensory images making the writing more colorful. Most importantly, the confidence to go forward! [My published] story was originally an assignment back when I was a student with the Institute of Children’s Literature. Although I had procrastinated for many years, the course planted seeds of confidence and knowledge. Therefore, I kept returning to this project. After submitting to several magazines, I contacted Brandylane Publishers. They accepted my manuscript! It was released on the 13th of December, 2019.
–Roseanne McDonald
Just saying hi and expressing thanks! I took the Writing for Children and Teens course over ten years ago. This helped me get some magazine articles published. I couldn’t have done it without them. I enrolled again last year and am now completing Assignment 8 for the Writing and Selling Children’s Books course. I am so grateful for ICL and the training I’ve received. My teachers have been incredibly skilled, just wonderful! Thanks ICL!!!!
–Shelia Cody
My only questions have been about submitting assignments and requesting extensions and the staff has been very patient and helpful! I would like to know more about proper formatting for submitting picture books to editors or publishers and how to begin to structure and plot out chapter books. I browsed a few others on the internet but felt drawn to ICL right away. I am loving ICL! Participating in this program has given me valuable insights into the writing process and strengthened my confidence as a writer.
–Renae Conner
The office staff has been extremely responsive to my requests. Not sure how many times I contacted the office. I definitely like the feedback from my instructor and enjoy her letters along with her corrections. I also like the way the lessons are formatted. I try to use every comment and correction to perfect my skill. This is the second course that I have completed with ICL. I have gained so much knowledge from each course. The personal instruction and critique from my instructor is priceless. It is well worth it, and I would do it all over again. Thank you ICL!
–Lisa Wise
I have taken courses through the Institute for Children’s Literature, Long Ridge Writer’s Group, and the Institute for Writers. The course materials take you into the world of writing and teach you how to think about the process of creating a publishable work. I have found the instructors to be incredibly supportive. To be honest, I am always sad when the course ends because I feel like I have lost a friend. Because of these courses I have gone on to publish several articles and am currently pursuing writing a novel for publication. If you love to write, any one of these courses will help you take your writing to the next level.
–Karen Whitehair
I started this course many years ago and due to my wife’s battle with cancer, I was unable to complete the course. I thank you very much for making it possible for me to complete this course. My first instructor helped me get to the last section of the course. But, Karen pushed me over the top. My hope is to have this book published. This program works. The people who work for ICL are very experienced and professional. But, to truly succeed, YOU have to put in the work and effort and listen to and practice what is being taught.
–Joseph “Joe” Steven Tuckett
ICL is an organized, reasonably priced course for beginning children’s writers. My instructor was responsive, supportive, and insightful. I learned much about the craft of developing stories that will appeal to children and much about the publishing industry. I highly recommend it. ICL has been extremely helpful for me learning the craft and business of writing. The price is reasonable for what is offered. It’s tricky, because I would recommend the course to others but I don’t know if I’d do it again. I got published through other avenues (contacts, my persistence) that were unrelated to ICL. But, I don’t regret the decision at all. It was the right one at the time. Thank you so much for everything. And I am considering taking the Beyond the Basics course. I’ve had several (paid) feature articles published in our regional newspaper, Columbia River Reader (circulation 15,000). Plus a couple of unpaid articles in our local SCBWI newsletter.
–Tiffany Dickinson
The amount of challenges I faced during my course study made meeting my deadlines impossible. I was only able to complete my course because of the extended and genuine caring, concern and and never ending support motivation and encouragement I received from Troon, Judy, and a lovely host of others at the ICL. I still can’t believe I was accepted and able to complete my course. This is a grand and extraordinary institution with a staff that rivals its reputation. Thank you everyone. Losing my home and family at the tender age of 19 placed me on course that allowed no room for pursuing dreams for years. Then came motherhood, a journey that allowed me to dream of pursuing my dreams as a writer of children’s literature. I never lost my imagination it remained by my side and resurfaced in abundance being a mother and recreating and creating stories for my son. After 7 years of writing 15 books as a novice writer and researching how to perfect my writing, I realized I needed real professional guidance either the fates or an act of a higher power guided me to ICL. I’ve grown and learned how to perfect my writing and developed confidence a writer. I turned 50 this year, my son is completing his final test at university and for the first time in 30 years I will start the process of making my dreams a reality. ICL accepted and guided me with great care. If it weren’t for ICL I’m positive I wouldn’t feel confident and capable to move forward as a writer. This institution is magical.
–Laura Washington
Thank you for all your help. I feel I have accomplished my goal for this course, having reinvigorated my enthusiasm for writing for children, and I’ve greatly appreciated working with you!
–Rebecca Ballotta
I am so proud to have earned my diploma from ICL. The expertise provided by the remarkable instructors and the many skills learned over the course of the many assignments were invaluable. I am ever so grateful and equally excited to continue along this path of writing for children!
–Heather Popat
Definitely, have your critique done with ICL! This critique gave me more confidence and hope that when I click “send” to an editor, I may answer a phone call instead of reading a standard rejection reply!
–Shelly Pollock
The critique was returned to me in a day which is awesome because I want to enter a contest next week. This gives me plenty of time to revise/edit. I’d say that it’s well worth the money. The critique was thorough with areas of improvement and insight on strengths that I wouldn’t have seen or thought of as the writer. It was done promptly and I’m so glad that I got a professional eye before submitting it. The Institute of Children’s Literature once again has proven to be a necessary resource for serious writers with the professional critique service. I’m forever grateful for the instructors and critiquers who have been an integral part of my writing career–at first as a hobby and now as a writer with an agent. I started ten years ago in the first writing course and now that my kids are getting older, I’m taking another course, Writing and Selling Children’s books. I wouldn’t be where I am as a writer without the Institute. Thank You!
–Shelley Cummings
I’m thankful for all of the revisions I’ve been able to get done. I feel like a new, enthused me. I’m also very thankful for the ICL.
–P.E. Lund
Thanks for adding me. I’m happy to see ICL on Facebook! Since graduating, I’ve published my first YA fantasy, The Phantom of Faerie Mountain (Book 1 of The Red King Trilogy) and am working on the second installment, The Secret of Berry Brae Circle. Cheers to all!
–Erin McIntyre
I’m excited to be actively involved with ICL again. Since graduating, I have two published children’s picture books and one coming out next year. The first is Heaven Just Believe and the 2nd Leyni’s God Adventure with an official release date soon. All profits go to support, Freedon13.org, a nonprofit organization to end trafficking of children.
–Sandy Hill
I am working on my first course with ICL…my little voice had the same things to say… maybe they do accept everybody? But my big voice told me how much I wanted this dream to become a reality and with all the online research that left my head spinning, I really needed direction from one place. SOOOO ICL is my starting point… they will help me find my voice… picture books? middle grade? YA??? ALL of them? There is a magnificent group here that must have somehow found their way here through ICL… I am so far loving the positive feedback and “kick in the butt” I need to write at last one hour a day… I know I can write…but I need the direction to show me how to make my writing good enough to be published! Good luck! Hope you stay with ICL!
–Gabrielle Copeland Schoeffield
It’s been so amazing – I’ve had 5 books published with Dancing With Bear Publishing (Christian teen fiction trilogy, MG, and marriage non-fiction), numerous stories/articles published, on-going assignments with Union Gospel Press, and just signed with an agent for my Christian romantic suspense novel! And to think it all started with a little course from ICL… My journey began with an ICL course.